Al Raheel | Departure (2022), contemporary performance co-created by writer Reem Almenhali and director Joanna Settle

Projection design by Fatema Al Fardan

WIP critique at SEAF Studio

[WIP] نصعد معاً نرى سِتار يلتف حَوّلِي ليسير بيننا
treading we see a guise; it coils around me to walk between us
treading we see a guise; it coils around me to walk between us

Performing poem titled Fridays at NYU Abu Dhabi's Art Center Hekayah | The Story. Courtesy of NYUAD Arts Center. Photo by Nikith Nath.

Photos commissioned by Zuhoor Al Sayegh and Munira Al Sayegh for Kashta Supper Club ft. Salt by Moza Almatrooshi